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Research Funding


  1. PI: R01CA276152-01 (NIH/NCI)     Tiffany Seagroves (MPI)     4/2023-3/2028

“Targeting brain and bone metastases in metastatic breast cancer for improved patient survival”.

Total direct cost $1,996,410. Total cost: $3,074,470

2. PI: 1R01CA148706 (NIH/NCI)     Duane D. Miller (Co-I: 2011-2015; MPI: 2016-2026)          

“Targeting the colchicine site in tubulin for cancer therapy”. Current funding period (2021-2026) total cost: $1.96 million. Total funding awarded for this project $5.7 million.

3. PI: 1R01CA240447 (NIH/NCI)                Muxiang Zhou (MPI)        7/2020-6/2025

“Dual inhibition of MDM2 and XIAP as a therapeutic strategy in cancer”. Total cost: $2.72 million.

4. PI: HT9425-23-1-0216        Junming Yue (Co-PI)      7/2023-6/2027

“Development of an Orally Available and Low-Toxic Chemotherapy for Improved Ovarian Cancer Therapy”

Total cost $924,000.

5. MPI: 1R61/R33NS124923 (NIH/NINDS)      Jianxiong Jiang (contact MPI) and Wei Li (MPI)      12/2021-11/2025
“Targeting TRPC3 Channels for Epileptic Seizures”. Total cost: $1.15 million.

6. MPI: 1RF1AG072703 (NIH/NIA)    Liao (contact PI); Li and Bhaskar (MPIs)    4/2022-3/2027

Validation of a novel tau clearance mechanism”

First three years of the award total $2,157,183 for 6/1/2022-5/31/2025. The remaining award is possible after a satisfactory progress report at the end of the third year. Five-year total expected cost: about $3.6 million.

7. Co-I: R01CA276135-01A1 (NIH/NCI)        Zhou (PI)     12/1/2023-11/30/2028

“Discovery of a novel MDM2-tubulin signaling pathway as a therapeutic target in AML”, total cost $2,716,883. Amount to the Li lab: $37,553/year for a total of $187,765.

Role: subcontract PI.

8. Co-I: 1R01NS128336-01           Ram Mahato (PI)     7/15/2022-5/31/2027

“Lipid nanomedicine targeting multiple signaling pathways of medulloblastoma”

Total amount: $2,391,270.   Amount to the Li lab: $38,115/year for a total of $190,575.

Role: subcontract PI.

9. Mentor and Co-I: R16GM154786-01 (NIH/NIGMS)   Souvik Banerjee (PI)   7/2024-6/2028

“Discovery of fused heterocyclic pyrazine based novel anti-mitotic agents for metastatic melanoma”

Total cost: $684,757. Li lab share: $138,600. 


Please see the relevant sections in the CV.